Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Should Shop Online Essay - 2117 Words

Koreans who shop online are most likely to buy books, cosmetics, clothing/accessories/shoes and groceries via the Internet in the next six months. While connected Chinese also favor books and clothes, 40 percent plan to make an electronic purchase online. Web-savvy Malaysians like online shopping for booking travel, with airline tickets and hotel/tour reservations the top picks. More online Australians intend to purchase event tickets and non-downloadable videos/DVDs/games than any other in the region. And one-fifth of online Indian shoppers plan to buy non-downloadable music. Total online spending as a percentage of total monthly spending varies by country with Chinese and Korean online consumers allocating the most via the web than any other in the region. Online consumers in New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia and Hong Kong allocate the least. North America Half of online Americans favor sites for stores that can only be shopped online and the majority of Canadian web shoppers are split between a preference for online-only sites (31%) and those that have traditional physical stores (19%). The list of products and services that are favored by American and Canadian online shoppers is almost identical. Books, clothing and airline tickets are the items most likely tagged for online purchase in the next six months. One-third of online Canadians say they don’t plan on making an online purchase in the next six months, which is more than the one-fifth of connected AmericansShow MoreRelatedItm 5400 Chapter 7 Homework680 Words   |  3 PagesITM 5400 Chapter 7 Homework Click Link Below To Buy: 1. Would the new reservation and booking system be a horizontal or a vertical application? Explain your answer. 2. What software development and acquisition strategies should Sandy Shores consider? 3. 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Film History Free Essays

Have you ever wondered how the movies or videos that you watch first started? Well, you won’t stay with the doubt for long because I am about to tell you how it all began. One of the first inventions was called the zoetrope is a cylinder looking gadget which contains drawings in a strip of paper inside that appears to move according to The Museum of Childhood. This invention came out in 1834 by a great inventor called W. We will write a custom essay sample on Film History or any similar topic only for you Order Now G. Horner. His invention is something that lots of people can enjoy by looking at the sequence.In 1867, the first device that showed movies and animated pictures was called a â€Å"zoopraxiscope† or the â€Å"wheel of life†. This starting invention was patented by a man called William Lincoln. The zoopraxiscope started by the motion of photographs and drawings. Later in 1895, a portable motion picture camera was invented by Louis Lumiere, a Frenchman. His invention became known as Cinematographe. It was a film processing unit and projector. This invention gave motion pictures the popularity. (According to the History of the Motion Picture com/library/inventors/blmotionpictures.htm†http://inventors. about. om/library/inventors/ blmotionpictures . htm). After those two great inventions came even a better one. Thomas Edison and William Dickson, his British assistant, constructed a device for recording movement on film and another to view it in the late 1880s. (http://www. filmsite. org/pre20sintro. html). But new inventions didn’t stop here; in 1890 a new invention called Kinetograph was constructed by William Dickenson. This device gave directors a reason for motion pictures. The kinetograph was a â€Å"motor-powered camara that could photograph motion pictures† according to Film History Before 1920. It was designed so you were able to move the film through the camara by an electric motor. I think that the way that the inventions were coming was great because every time a new invention came it had better technology and it was a little bit more practical and easier to use than the ones from before. Film creation became greater later on, when one of the five big studios started: Warner Bros. Pictures. This is one of the world’s largest producers of film and entertainment. Warner Bros. Pictures was founded by Polish-Canadian immigrants in 1918. (According to Wikipedia) How to cite Film History, Papers